Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IBW PAN) was established in 1953 due to the needs of national water resources management and industry. For years, investigations have been directed towards maritime and inland hydraulics as well as soil mechanics. The scientific works are carried out within the structure of 3 departments: Department of Geomechanics, Department of Wave Mechanics and Structural Dynamics, and Department of Coastal Engineering and Dynamics. IBW PAN is recognised as an institution qualified to grant Ph.D. degrees in the field of civil engineering. The research schedule is based both on needs of industry and interests of IBW PAN scientific staff, many projects come from national institutions or EU programs. Researchers from IBW PAN are particularly interested in atypical problems which are challenges to their knowledge and skills. Members of IBW PAN staff have gained international experience from various Universities, as Birmingham, Delft, East Anglia, and other institutions and laboratories. Their publications appear in many forms, as books, conference contributions, articles in professional and scientific journals, the details of which can be found on the Institute’s website
Krystyna Kazimierowicz-Frankowska, MSc, PhD, DSc, Associate Professor and Deputy Head in the Department of Geomechanics of the Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Author and co-author of some 60 publications, including 4 books on applied mechanics, mechanics of reinforced soil, geosynthetics, and civil and marine engineering. Her research interests are focused on both basic and applied research on modelling the mechanical behaviour of geomaterials, as well as phenomena and processes in subsoil in connection with the problems of soil-structure-water interactions. Her latest books are: “Geotechnical aspects of multi-use offshore platforms” 2015, “Geosynthetics in hydraulic engineering”, 2019.
Prof. Waldemar Świdziński, PhD, DSc, Professor at the Institute of Hydro-Engineering, over the years Head of Department of Geomechanics, from 2016 – Director of the Institute. Author and co-author of over 120 publications and 2 books on marine and inland civil engineering specifically focused on experimental mechanics and theoretical description of liquefaction of saturated and unsaturated soils, soil-water-structure interaction, modelling of groundwater flow and pollution transport, various problems of large tailings storage facilities. Rich engineering experience in an assessment of the stability of slopes, cliffs and earth dams.